can i search for people on facebook by age

Facebook users unwittingly revealing intimate secrets, study finds.
Targeting Options | Facebook Help Center | Facebook.
Jun 13, 2011. I searched, myspace, youtube,, search. I haven't found a people search site that searches by only city and first name.. years ago people wouldn't think myspace can find all their old friends.
You can search for people, Pages, groups and apps. .. that might be used to do this:Information you've added about yourself, like your current city, sex, age.
can i search for people on facebook by age
Signed Request - Facebook Developers.Safety Center | Facebook.
Please do not modify our posters in any way if you decide to re-post. .. "A soulmate is one of the most important people you will ever meet. .. Quotes & Thoughts shared Good Friends are hard to find. harder to leave. and impossible to forget's.
Data Use Policy | Facebook.
December Data on Facebook's US Growth by Age and Gender.
Apr 24, 2013. Given a person of a particular age, we can for example ask what the distribution . And for example, we find, not surprisingly, that our Facebook.
can i search for people on facebook by age
How Facebook Will Find Its Next Billion Users. - Advertising Age.
i want to be invisible in search , how can i do it ? - Facebook Help.
. to Find Someone. In the Information Age, everybody leaves a digital trail.. Now you can search in directories in that area for this person. If they are not in that.
Tools for Parents & Educators | Facebook Help Center | Facebook.